You’ll notice that all your pool chemical dosage rates are based on how many litres are in your pool. But why is it important to know your pool’s volume?
The size of your pool will determine how long you need to run your pump and filter, and of course what dosage rates to apply your chemicals. Running your pump and filter for longer than necessary will waste electricity. Not running them long enough will mean your water isn’t sufficiently clean or healthy for swimming.
Likewise, adding a too high dosage rate of chemicals can damage your pool equipment, or cause a concentration of chemistry in the water that isn’t safe or comfortable. A too weak dosage will mean the chemicals are ineffective in doing their job. This is not only a waste of money, but may also cause your pool to be unsafe to swim in, as it may not be sanitised properly.
This is why it’s imperative to know how many litres are in your pool! You’ll need a measuring tape to calculate the following formula. Alternatively, you can watch a short, helpful video on how to measure your pool here.
Pool volume (Litres) = length (m) x width (m) x average depth (m) x 1000 (to convert to litres).
You can determine the average depth (without getting wet) by placing your leaf scoop pole into the shallow end of the pool until it touches the bottom. After you’ve taken the pole out, lay it on the ground. With a measuring tape, measure from the bottom of the pole, up to the mark the waterline made on the pole. Do the same with the deep end. Use the following formula to calculate the average depth of your pool.
Average depth (m) = shallow end (m) x deep end (m) ÷ 2
Once you know your pool’s volume, you can be assured you’re running your equipment efficiently, protecting your pool equipment, and dosing your chemicals effectively!